Blacklegged “Deer” Ticks

Dampwood termites infest wood with a high moisture content. Dampwood termites are normally larger than other termite species. Bodies of king and queen dampwood termites range in size from ½ inch to ⁵⁄₈ inch long and have two pairs of wings that are equal in size and shape, extending beyond their abdomen. Nymphs can be as long as ⁵⁄₈ inch and worker dampwood termites are up to ¾ inch in size
- Size: 1/8"
- Shape:Flat, broad oval
- Color:Orange-brown with dark legs
- Legs: 8
- Wings: No
- Antenna: No
- Region:Found primarily in the northeastern, mid-Atlantic, southeastern and north central regions of the U.S.
Blacklegged deer ticks climb grass and shrubs to wait for a passing host. Adult ticks feed primarily on the white-tailed deer during the winter. In the spring, the female drops off the host and deposits about 3,000 eggs. Nymphs feed on mice, squirrels, raccoons, skunks, dogs, humans and birds.
Threat:Blacklegged deer ticks are a vector of Lyme disease, anaplasmosis and babesiosis. Lyme disease is of primary concern in the United States. Symptoms include fever, headache, fatigue and a characteristic bull’s eye shaped skin rash. Lyme disease can also affect joints, the heart and the nervous system if left untreated.
Prevention:- Wear light-colored long pants, long-sleeve shirts and closedtoe shoes when in wooded areas or tall grasses.
- Wear bug spray containing at least 20% DEET when outdoors.
- When hiking, stay in the center of trails, away from vegetation.
- Inspect yourself carefully for ticks after being outdoors. If you find a tick, remove it with a slow, steady pull.
- Inspect your pets for ticks on a routine basis.
- Consult with your doctor immediately if you believe you have contracted Lyme disease.
- If you find ticks in your home or on your property, contact a licensed pest professional